Actual Money Spells Work

Money spells, as the name says, are meant to enhance your finance stability. If you are pushing hard at your job and trying out various means of enhancing your bank balance only to end up with slim luck, there are excellent money spells to help you out. They won’t make you super rich overnight but would ensure a prosperous scenario for you magic spells.

One of the most popular money spells is the one that helps you to attract good money in your life. To do the spell, you would need six green candles, brass plate, dried basil, nine coins and a silk material magic spells.

You have to perform the spell in waxing moon night. Start with creating a circle with the 6 candles placed on your brass tray. You must get broad-based small candles. Now heap all the coins in your circle. Then, light up the candles & start your chant. It would be a prayer to bring money, security & prosperity in life. Green candles are important here because green is the shade for prosperity. Then, push candles towards each other in such a way that they nearly touch one another. Let the candle wax flow down on your coins. As the wax hardens, slice out a part with coins in them & sprinkle basil on it. Place the coin amulet somewhere that gets good light and you have to leave it there till full moon. As the moon starts to wane, take it from there & wrap it up in silk & place it in some safe drawer.

Then, there are money spells to attract a job. A good job is a natural avenue to enhance your bank balance and hence these spells focus on finding you a robust source of income. One such spell is that you do with brown candles. To do the spell, you would need two brown candles, one green candle, one candle that will represent you, cinnamon incense and bergamot oil. Light up cinnamon incense. Then, anoint all candles with oil. Place a brown candle right in the middle of your selected space, followed by green at its right. The personal candle must be planted at left. When you light up the personal candle, chant your spell. It would be a prayer to bring opportunities to you. Then, light up your green candle and utter the chant to bring good luck. Finally, light up brown candle and pray for openings, job & rewards. Don’t try to extinguish the candle. You have to perform the ritual every night continuously for 7 days.

You also have money charm spell. To do the spell, you would need green cloth, lavender, saffron, borage and allspice, crystals, 3 silver coins & silver and golden colored thread. Hold the coins in hand & breathe right on them 4x. As you do, utter the spell. Then, put crystals, coins and herbs on green cloth. Tie them altogether with 8 knots and make a bag. Hide it somewhere cool & dark. After 8 days, you will have money coming to your life.

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