Google Floc delay means that third cookies will stay longer

The sandbox of the private life of Google, in particular its federated cohort learning, had the great ambition to make useless third party cookies for targeted advertising, thus protecting the privacy of people, even while winning money. Like many big ambitions of Google, Floc had no small amount of criticism and thrust. The company still maintains its position on the benefits of Floc and its innocence of the subsequent subsequent motivations. To give time to answer these concerns, it is a small step back and delay the implementation of Floc to 2023.

When Google announced that Google would eliminate third-party cookies by removing their support on Chrome, it has also promised that it would not create the technology to replace third party cookies. Instead, he has developed his sandbox of privacy and FLOC to replace third-party cookies by promising a way to better respect privacy, while giving businesses and advertisers a way to make money . Everyone did not buy the spiel, however, and Google was facing an intense examination on her plans.

To give it more time to communicate with the many devizens of the web and potentially convince them of the validity of its Floc, Google says it will delay its implementation of about one year. It will begin at the end of 2022 to give publishers and advertisers to prepare their services for big change. This change will begin at MID-2023 and Google believes that it will only take three months on eliminating the elimination of these third party cookies.

Of course, the consequence of this period is that the third party will be around a little longer. Web browsers now have systems to protect tracking users, but Google believes that making these cookies totally obsolete is the only way to be free of them once and for all.

Floc critics are probably in agreement on this point but do not see his eyes on his eyes with the way Google goes. The focus points include Google’s monopoly in the browser and advertising companies, making the Floc a sure way to keep your head. There are also those who emphasize how its cohort idea itself is defective and does not exactly protect users from being followed, especially by Google.

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