James Webb Space Telescope will study the quasars to learn more about the beginning of the universe

NASA impatiently awaits the launch of James Webb Space telescope later this year. The telescope will observe all kinds of spatial phenomena but will focus particularly on the study of quasars. A quasar is a very bright black hole and remote and remote that is millions of billions of times the mass of the sun. The quasars are generally located in galaxy centers and feed on materials of an accretion disc that surrounds it and frees radiation torrents.

The quasars are among the brightest objects of the universe. The light they produce mostly from all other stars of the combined galaxy host. NASA also affirms that the jets of the material of the winds created by the form of quasar the galaxy around it. Shortly after the Webb Space telescope launched, NASA plans to target the sixst remote and well-known quasar telescope. Data collected by the telescope We are used to studying the properties of quasars and their host galaxies to determine how they are interconnected in the early stages of galactic evolution in the very early world.

Scientists also plan to use the quasars to examine the gas in space between galaxies, especially during a period called cosmic reeionation, which ended when the universe was very young. The extreme sensitivity of the telescope at a low and superb angular resolution will be tested to study phenomena. Scientists note that when the webb telescope searches deeply in the universe, he actually looks at time. Indeed, the quasars are so far from us the light of them began his journey on earth when the universe was very young, taking billions of years to happen we so that we could see.

The researchers note that they will look how things were a long time ago, not as they are today. All quasars, the team will study exist in the very early universe of less than 800 million years, less than six percent of its current age. The investigation gives the opportunity to study the evolution of galaxy and supermassive black hole formation and the evolution of these very early from the universe.

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