NASA and tired balance to cope with the dirty laundry in space

Humans have been living in space for years, but has taken endless research and planning to make this possible. All we take for granted on the surface of the planet, where we have gravity and resources to welcome our Caprice, must be designed to work in space. Scientists have not yet solved any problem necessary to make life in space for long periods at ease for astronauts and affordable for governments and companies that may arise the invoice. One of the biggest problems of astronauts meet is something we do…

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NASA used a balloon to detect an earthquake that can be used on Venus

NASA has published a new study describing the first detection of an earthquake in 2019. The project is part of a technique developed to detect trend on Venus. Between July 4th and July 6, 2019, California was struck by a powerful sequence of earthquakes originating in Ridgecrest, California. These tremors have led more than 10,000 replicas after a six-week period. NASA researchers have seized the opportunity offered by the quoices to test a technique developed to detect tremits on Venus. Researchers from NASA JPL and Caltech have stolen instruments attached…

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NASA struggle to correct the error of the hubble space telescope computer

Hubble Space Telescope has featured his age for a while, but the new problem proved to be very frustrating. As a AP report, NASA has spent almost a week (such as this writing) who tries to correct mistakes on the Hubble charge computer. The system broke down on June 13, and the operating team did not succeed in restoring the computer on the 14th or switching to the backup memory module. Agancey also failed in a repeat effort with both modules on the night of June 17. The telescope and…

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